Saturday 27 November 2021

Used CNC machines for sale!

used CNC machines for sale

There are some tips to keep in mind when looking for used CNC machines. Check the machines yourself. Do not rely on pictures or videos you might find on the internet.

When you find used CNC machines for sale, try to attend the viewing of the machine(s) alone, without sales representatives who will try to sell it for you. If possible, lie about your intentions and tell them that you are just trying out a specific machine type because your family wants one or because you want something for yourself at home. This way they won't pressure you into buying one right then and there and will be more open with information that can help you decide if this is really what you're looking for.

Talk to other people who have bought second-hand excel CNC lathe before. They might have valuable information that you can use to your benefit. Ask them about their experience with the seller and what problems they had or didn't have.

Be wary of people who want to sell you a used machine very quickly, especially if they refuse to answer important questions about it like: "What is the maximum weight (in kg) and dimensions (in cm) that this machine can handle?" or "How old is the controller?". These are good signs that there might be something wrong with the machine and they don't want you to find out about it!

Compare prices of new and best used CNC machines for sale across different websites (eg. eBay, Craigslist etc.) Don't just look on one, because there might be a better deal for you out there.

Sales representatives at sellers that sell new and used CNC machines often know nothing about these machines themselves and sometimes even lie in order to get sales. You can tell if they're lying because their lips will move from side to side or upwards slightly if they don't know what they're talking about. Call Hi-Tech Machinery Inc. at (913) 306-1377 for more information.